September 2, 2016

Our First Mobile Unit!

Isn't it pretty!?

We are now the proud owners of a 2000 Holiday Rambler Alumascape 5th wheel travel trailer! This coach will be serving as a mobile Family Room and Free Market as our team begins looking to serve in other parts of the city. If the last decade has taught us anything it is that the poor are always on the move. We have watched as neighborhoods gentrify, affordable housing is demolished, and ministries that serve the poor are pressured to close or move and so we have, as a team, recognized the need to increase our overall agility. By mobilizing our services, we can go to where the needs are, and when they move (or are moved along), we can move with them. Our commitment has always been to the poor, to the vulnerable neighbors themselves rather than a certain street or block. 

We are so excited as this unit will aid in building partnerships with other communities throughout our city and county. We will be coming alongside existing works in poor neighborhoods to offer ourselves to help them love and serve one another in that place. We pray that our small offerings will add something to the work of development that is happening in our communities. If you are one of those communities that would like us to bring our mobile free market, just hit us up!

Thank you all who have given toward this project. We have learned that our truck is probably not ideal for towing such a large (9,600 lbs) trailer. We need a large pick-up truck (250) to pull this unit as well as the other coaches we hope to add over the next few years! If any of you have a truck you would offer or if you would like to contribute toward a purchase we would be very grateful. 

One step at a time we will get there! May God's kingdom of peace and wholeness come and may God's loving will be done, in Tampa as it is in the Heavens.